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Round Hill Station

Round Hill was changed forever in May 1875, when the Washington & Ohio railroad came to town. For the next 25 years, Round Hill
would be the terminus of the line that came from Washington and would become the stimulus for the tremendous growth and development
of Round Hill in the period. A turntable was put in place to allow the engines to reverse direction and return to the east. A freight house was built
across the tracks from the station. Both the station building (now a private residence) and the freight house are still there.





From 1874-1900 Round Hill was the terminus of the branch line. While no records have been found to
substantiate them, there was reported to be a turntable at the location, and it would stand to reason that
a water tower and ash pit would also be a requirement. There should have been no reason to have a
coaling tower there as the locomotives would carry sufficient fuel for the round trip from Washington.

W&OD Railroad Collection, NOVA Parks